lunes, 8 de julio de 2019

Evaluation of Your Blogging Experience

Hi everyone,

Today is our last class writing on our blogs. This time, we are going to write about our experience using blogs in the English class.

In your post you must say:

> What you think about the experience in general
> How much you feel your writing skills have developed
> What you would like to include in the future
> What else you would like to write about

Word count: 200
Write a comment on your teacher's post and 3 comments on your classmates' posts.

This is my sample post:

I think that writing on a blog with my students for the English program has been really beneficial for me because I enjoy writing in general, but it’s also nice to practice putting your ideas in coherent way on paper. What I've enjoyed the most was reading my students' posts and learning more about your lives, your opinions, the things you like to do in your daily lives and what you would like to do in the future. It makes me feel very fulfilled when I see you interested in an activity and when you find it relevant in your lives.

My writing skills have developed, and I can see it when I want to write something that may be complex but I must make the effort of summarizing the information in a way that is clear for everyone. In the writing experience I’ve had so far, which is not too much : ) , I have learned that to catch your readers’ attention you need to find ways of reordering the sentences and paragraphs, and use a wider range of vocabulary.

In the future, it would be interesting to include a blog in the class where we can give our opinions on current issues that we are going through in our culture and society. Some examples I can think of are the feminist movement and other rights movements like the LGBTQ+ rights, indigenous peoples rights, or even what is happening now with the TPP-11 agreement and how this impacts our lives.

There are so many things we can write about, it would be nice to know what you think of the blogging experience and what other themes you’d like to write about in the future.

21 comentarios:

  1. I was really inspired by this activity to improve in my writing abilities

  2. these activities make the classes more entertaining!, I hope that we could continue with the blogs in the next semester.

  3. i would like to write a blog about these topics!

  4. I think this experience was very useful for me. I learn a lot

  5. I think that is a great idea, include opinions about culture and society

  6. It's a practical way to improve our writing in English!!

  7. It was a very comfortable experience!

  8. I think that my writing has a progress thanks to you and your activities.

  9. Thank you miss, I enjoyed every activity, it was very hepful to improve our english.

  10. thanks to these activities and you turned my interest in English

  11. I would like to write about those things to, thanks for teaching us so many things:)

  12. I think that writing a blog is an excellent tool to learn English while in the beginning it was challenging.

  13. thank you for using another way to learn English :)

  14. Thank you miss for this activity! The blogging experience was very helpful.

  15. Thank you for implementing this system, it was nice and very interesting, I felt very well and I learned a lot

  16. Thank you! i´m very greatful for this blogs classes, because helped me to improve my writing English.

  17. I really like this system of class, has helpme a lot to practice my writing in english

  18. I think similar that you in put more topics of actuality. I really like this blogs

  19. I enjoyed this experience. It served us to know us better and develop our writting.

  20. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  21. thank you miss, I feel that I have improved so much with your class
