viernes, 28 de junio de 2019

Post nº9

Today we have to write about a topic that we choose, and I would like to offer you three options. You must choose ONLY ONE option.

Option 1: A Book or Novel I’ve Enjoyed Reading
In this post you must include the following:
-The title and author of the book or novel
-The genre (fantasy, mystery, drama, horror, etc)
-Why you liked it
-What the story was about
-A picture of the front cover

Option 2: A TV Series I’ve Enjoyed Watching
You must include:
-The name of the series and main characters
-The genre (fantasy, mystery, drama, horror, etc)
-Why you liked it
-What the story was about
-A picture of the main characters

Option 3: A Game I Like Playing
You must include:
-The name of the game
-How you play it
-Who you play it with
-Why you like it
-When and where you play it
-A picture of the game

-You must write at least 190 words
-Remember to write a comment on my post and on three classmates’ posts.

Here is my sample post:

A Book I’ve Enjoyed Reading

I like reading different kinds of books, about different topics.
A book that I remember enjoying a lot was “The Debt: A 5000 Thousand Year History” by David Graeber, an anthropologist and anarchist. As you can see in the title, the book is about history but also about a view of the economy. I read this book about 7 years ago, and it was about a thousand pages long, so a lot of its details escape my memory. But in general, the book explained the link there has been in history, especially from the time of the Roman Empire, between war and looting, the creation of slavery, and the creation of Nation-States based on imposing taxes on the people that are conquered, showing the direct link between the capitalist economy and the use of military force.
One of the points that I really liked about this book is that it showed that there have been in history (and still are in some parts of the world) different systems of economy. One example is that instead of using paper money, people get indebted with each other in such a way that everyone in the community should have access to the things they need. According to the author, this debt system makes us take care of our human relations, because we need people to trust us in our community in order to have these kinds of exchanges.
The book is really well written and is easy to understand for everyone. And he can be funny as well, sometimes using irony and a sense of humour. 

18 comentarios:

  1. I have not read that book but I am very interested in what it was about. I also like read, but now I haven´t much time to read.

  2. I don't like read, but We all have different interests.


  3. Wow! That sounds interesting, when I will go to buy books I'll look for it

  4. I like to read different topics, although history is not my favorite, the book seems to be interesting

  5. I don’t like to read books much, much less if they are so long, but this one I find interesting

  6. This book call my attention because I have never read something from a anarchist view.

  7. I find that this book is attractive but I have almost no time to read good books :(

  8. This book looks so interesting! but I don't have time to read books. Maybe when I have more free time I will read it.

  9. I haven't read that book but it seems an interesting topic, maybe I will read it later.

  10. It seems to be an interesting book, I would like to read it when I have time.

  11. I didn't know that book, but it sounds interesting so when I have time I will read it.

  12. That kind of book are very interesting to read, because they provide another perspective. I will keep it in mind for read it


  13. It looks very interesting the book, I hope to have more time to read it

  14. I hadn´t heard of that book before, I will find out more about it to see if I´m interested to read it complete.

  15. It seems like a pretty good book. I would try to read it later

  16. It seems like a very good story, but I'm not very fond of reading. I'd rather to watch a movie...

  17. I don't like this kind of books, I prefer to read about mystery or love

  18. I find this book interesting and attractive. I think it is necessary to read something of that kind from time to time.
