lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019

A Photograph You Like

Hi everyone!

Today, we're going to write about a photograph you like. In your text, you must say:

Who took the picture
What it shows
When it was taken
Why you like it
Anything else you want to say
And upload it

Write at least 150 words

Here is my example:

In this photo, I am standing with my mother in the middle of a desert called Valle del Arcoíris. This place is very near San Pedro de Atacama, and we went there in May 2016. I think a tour guide took this picture and he said that, at that time, it had been recently discovered, so not many people had been there before.

This valley is special because it has colours from the different minerals that have deposited over time. You could find green, red, yellowish and different kinds of orange sands. There were also some rock formations that were very interesting near this place. I love this picture because I love deserts in general, and this one is very unique, but also because it gives me a good memory of my mother. We both enjoy going hiking and exploring new places. She lives in the South of Chile, so I don´t see her very often, and this is why we decided to do this special trip together.

I remember we got up very early to take a bus to go to this desert. We also visited other places and took a map and a bicycle to visit ancient ruins. I remember it was very hot and dry during the day, and at night it was really cold. We were not used to spending so much time in the sun and almost got a sunstroke. But I can remember the feeling of quietness in many places and all the beautiful textures of the sand and rocks.  It was a very magical place. 

19 comentarios:

  1. I would love to visit that place, I think you are very adventurous.

  2. I would love to visit that place some day!!

  3. The desert of Chile is very beautiful, I don't know this place, but I know other places in the north and I can say that is very beautiful.

  4. what a nice picture!, it must be a really beautiful place! I hope go there someday.

  5. I would love to go there it´s a very beatiful place

  6. I went to the Valley last summer. It`s beautiful and the people from the north are very kind. I would like to come back.

  7. I would like to go to that place, it looks very nice:)

  8. I love that place! I went when I was 17 years old but I didn't take any photo

  9. Is a very beautiful place, hope I can go someday

  10. That place look so beautiful. I didn`t know that.

  11. It's a beautiful picture, you must have enjoyed it very much that place

  12. it's a nice picture.
    the north of chile is a very magical and beautiful place.

  13. It´s a beautiful place, I´m very surprised as nature creates all this

  14. very nice picture, looks a beathiful place I hope to visit some day.

  15. I hope some day go, its a beautiful place.

  16. it is a beautiful photograph in a magical place,I wish I could visit it someday.

  17. Is a beautiful photo. I hope meet that place someday.

  18. it is a beautiful picture, i want to go here
