lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

Post Nº 4: Free Theme Post

Hi everyone!

Today we are going to write about a topic that we can choose. I can think of three alternatives, for example:

"Your Favourite Film."
"Your Favourite Music Album."
"A Sport or Physical Exercise That You Enjoy."

Choose only ONE of these topics and write the following information about it:

1. What's the name of the film/music album/sport that you like.
2. When did you see the film OR how often do you listen to the music album OR how often do you play that sport.
3. Who did you watch the film with OR who do you listen to the album with OR who do you play that sport with.
4. What is the film about OR describe the lyrics and music style of the album OR describe the sport you play.
5. Give 3 reasons why you love that film OR music album OR sport/physical exercise you do.

Remember: in total you must write a minimum of 140 words (you can write more if you want) and you must write comments on 3 classmates' posts and 1 comment on my post.

This is my sample post:

"Yoga: My Favourite Physical Exercise."

I have done yoga for more than ten years. At the beginning, I started learning with a teacher in a class with other people but after a few years I stopped going to classes and decided to continue practicing by myself at home.

The type of Yoga I practice is called Ashtanga. It is originally from the South of India and it consists of a series of poses, starting with 10 sun salutations, and ending with poses that calm your body. The sequence of poses is always the same, which includes standing poses and sitting poses, and in every movement there is an inhalation and an exhalation. 

The main reason why I like Yoga so much is that it is a silent exercise, similar to a meditation in movement. Yoga has helped me gain flexibility and strength, and it helps me learn how to stay focused and concentrate on what I am doing in the moment. Another reason why I like Yoga is that it energizes me, and it lifts and stabilizes my mood. My favourite yoga pose is called Shirshasana, or Headstand. I love this pose because you stand on your head and your feet raise all the way up and you get to feel the world upside down.

Since I don't have much time during the week, I try to practice 2 times a week. The best time of the day to do Yoga is when you wake up, before breakfast, which means I must get up early. It's the best way to start my day.

19 comentarios:

  1. How cool! I also practice yoga when I have time, it really is very good for my health, but the type of yoga I practice is called "Purna" a little different from "Ashtanga"

  2. I like yoga too! I started to do it the last year, and since that day I love it! now I don't have so much time to do it, but I hope could start to practice it again

  3. I also praticed yoga, with the university I don´t have a lot of time but it helped me to relax.

  4. I never practiced yoga , but I looks very interesting for you explain, but the positions look very difficult.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. Cool!!!, I imagine that the level of concetration to practice yoga it must be very high ... in volunteering, a girl practiced yoga and she tried to teach us to stand on our head hahahah it was fun

  7. I have practiced yoga a couple of times and I have realized that it is more difficult than it seems. It is a very good exercise!

  8. I started practicing yoga a few months ago and until now I love it.

  9. I have never had the opportunity to practice yoga, but I find it very interesting. I think it's an excellent exercise because it involves body and mind.

  10. it very interesting, i never practiced yoga, I hope someday to practice it

  11. cool!!! I have never practiced yoga, I have heard that it is very good to relax.

  12. I have never practiced yoga but I have always been interested because I feel that it is one of the most effective methods to have a good harmony with the body. I think I’ll start doing yoga jajaja

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  14. I've always wanted to practice yoga but I've never tried it :(

  15. I like yoga, it connects you with your inner self, helps you to meditate and learn to find yourself

  16. I would like to do this exercise because I think that it could be very interesting and it could help me to think and meditate because I don't really think things like I should.

  17. I've never practise yoga, but I'm sure that it helps you to relaxe on. Can you recommend me a place to try it?

  18. I never practiced yoga, but it catches my attention a lot.

  19. Do you think you have improved your yoga practice since being on your own without an instructor? because my mom practiced on her own but every time she had a class she shortened it.
