lunes, 10 de junio de 2019

My Favourite Place in Chile

Today I would like to propose writing about a place that we love, this could be your favourite place in Santiago, in Chile or another place that you have visited abroad.

In this post, you must say:

Why you like this place
How often you go there or when you went there
What you can do there
Who you go there with
Write a minimum of 160 words
Include a picture

Remember to write a comment on my post and a comment on 3 other classmates' posts.

This is my sample post:

Valle de Elqui

I have been to Valle de Elqui two times in my life, and the last time I went there I was with my mother. This place is very special for me because I think it has a very special energy where you can do meditation and watch the stars at night. Of course, it’s also a very hippie place, there’s a lot of partying, too, and a lot esoteric gurus and teachers, many of them not really serious. But its still fun to visit, and the place itself is just very beautiful and relaxing, and the mountains are gorgeous. 

The place has changed a lot since the first time I went there. I remember when I first visited with my ex boyfriend, I think that was 2006, in the middle of winter, and the night we arrived was the date when the Mayan New Yew started and we had no idea. So, there was a massive party in the camping site Río Mágico, everybody of course was very drunk and high, but it also started snowing a lot, and the next morning people where calling the police to get everyone from the campsite out of the Valley because of the cold, it was freezing!! People where getting sick, the roads where blocked with the snow, and we invited a few people into the small cabin we had rented to keep them warm. Anyway, it was crazy because even the locals said it never snows in Valle de Elqui, or maybe just a little bit every 10 years.

In the trip I did last year with my mother, we went to an observatory to watch the stars, as you can see in this picture.

17 comentarios:

  1. wow! it's a beautiful picture!. I've never been in that place, but I hope can go there some day

  2. Valle del elqui is a magical and very beautiful place, also there is very good pisco.

  3. The sky of valle del elqui is awesome, I feel really small when I see it

  4. Oh! I have never visited that place but it looks very magical and beautiful!
    It's a very incredible photo.

  5. oh! I would love to visit the Valle de Elqui, all you described sounds amazing

  6. It's a wonderful picture! Many people recommended me to visit this place so I hope to go soon.

  7. " Valle de Elqui" is magical, the stars look as clear as a painting. I visited it 5 years ago and I was delighted with its landscapes

  8. wow it sounds like it’s a beautiful place to visit, hopefully one day I can go

  9. wooo I hope someday to go, many people have recommended me to go and say it is a beautiful place.

  10. It's place is very magical and full of emotions , how cool you could visit it

  11. Thank you for sharing your great memories, I went to Valle del Elqui when I was a child. Now, I can't wait to go again and have fun the same way you did.

  12. I love that place! The starry sky is awesome. The picture is really pretty.

  13. That party story is crazy!! but at the time seems very fun. I visited that place 2 years ago and I would like to return someday soon.

  14. I really hope have the luck to visit Valle de Elqui someday.

  15. very nice place, I hope to have the luck to visit it some day

  16. I love this place! , I’ve gone a lot of times, walking and camping, they say you can see UFOs!
