jueves, 25 de abril de 2019

Oral Presentation Rubric

        No comment           Very weak                   Weak                           Sufficient                     Good                 Very Good
Score à

Posture, gestures & eye contact
Slouches. Hands in pockets. No attempt to connect with audience.
Does not connect with audience.
Does not connect well with audience.
Speaks at Teacher for most of the presentation.
Good despite occasional lapses.
Very good Posture. Appropriate gestures when needed. Attends to whole audience
Pitch of voice, delivery speed & timing

Inaudible voice
Much too long/short. Talks too slow/fast
Noticeable problems that cause lack of fluency, misunderstanding or a  breakdown in communication
Too long/short. A tendency to pause unnaturally or produce spurts of language
Good despite occasional lapses.
Strong clear voice,

Use of index cards &/ visual aids
Too much written on visual aids
Overuse of index cards. Poor usage of visual aids.
Relies heavily on index cards
Noticeable use of index cards. Visual aids could have been better.
Use of index cards doesn’t interfere with proceedings. Adequate use of visual aids
Very good, appropriate visual aids, (if used)only  glances at index cards occasionally

illogical organisation

Difficult to follow
Continuous backtracking or hesitation
Average. Not fully logical
Good. Minor lapses
Very good. Fully logical
Relevance of information

Information not related to title

Irrelevant information detracts from quality of presentation
Some material is irrelevant.
Some material seems offline.
Good despite occasional lapses
Very good. Appropriate. Well balanced
Memorization & Mastery

No evidence of practice
Despite some evidence of practice, mastery not demonstrated sufficiently.
Some evidence of practice but frequent topic related hesitations disrupt flow.
Good control of topic despite minor lapses
Very good. Dominates topic at all times. Fully at ease with topic

Grammar & Sentence structure
Quantity of errors prevents communication of ideas

Errors cause breakdowns in communication
Most sentences contain errors
Noticeable problems that do not deter message coming through
Message is generally clear despite some systematic errors
Very good. Conveys message well despite errors
Vocabulary & Expression
Inadequate or constantly inaccurate

Weak for level. Noticeable problems with word formation that hinders communication.
Despite some evidence of control, errors in word formation or use are numerous
Fairly well controlled despite some minor problems with word choice or formation.
Overall, vocabulary is appropriate and accurate.
Very good. Fully appropriate. Is comfortable with language despite some  minor errors
Coherence & Cohesion
Text unclear due to poor use of cohesive devices or incoherence.
Whilst snatches of meaning are clear, text is generally unconnected
Linking in or between sentences, or word order (or both) cause instances of incoherence. 
Despite minor lapses, linking and word order are adequate. Sentences link together fairly well despite minor lapses
Language is generally arranged well. No major problems with word order or linking.
Very good. Text hangs together well. No major problems with cohesion.


Weak pronunciation frequently interferes with message coming across
Notable L2 interference that causes problems for audience comprehension.
Good despite minor lapses.
No major problems despite problems with isolated items.
Very good. Nothing that distracts from conveyance of message

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