lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

My Favourite Piece of Technology

I hope you're all doing great! Today we're going to write about our favourite piece of technology.

You must say:

What it is.
When you got it.
How you use it.
How often you use it.
Why you like it.
What life would be like without it.

- 140 words minimum.
- Include a picture. 
- Comment on your teacher's post and 3 of your classmates’ blogs.

Here is my post:

I'm not a big fan of technology, but of course I can't live without it. I am very dependant on the microwave, I spend most of my time working on my computer, and I can’t live without my cell phone.

But when I really think about it, my favourite piece of technology is the Kobo e-reader. Kobo is a brand of an electronic book reader, just like Kindle, and I got it as a birthday gift about 6 years ago from my sister. You can download e-books from the internet, either on EPUB or PDF formats at a much cheaper price than paper books, but most of the time I find and download the e-books I want for free. It not only saves me a lot of money, but I can also take it with me everywhere I go because it is light and small and fits in my purse. I often use it in the metro or bus when I travel to work. And it’s also special because the screen doesn’t shine like a computer’s screen so it doesn’t make your eyes tired after reading.

I have to say that I still enjoy reading paper books, but when I know I can find the book I want for free, I use my Kobo. Sadly, in Chile books are too expensive so it’s hard to get all the books you want. If I didn’t have my Kobo, I wouldn’t be able to access many books. Another important thing is that an electronic book reader is good for the environment because it saves trees from being cut for paper production. Therefore, my Kobo reader has been a really good gift for me and the environment!

18 comentarios:

  1. it is amazing, I'd like to buy one, because it would help me to study, also it helps to save the planet. I believe it's a great piece of technology.

  2. I didn't know the Kobo e-reader but it sounds great! I really would like to buy one because I read a lot of books and like you said: in Chile books are too expensive. So it would be effective.
    And also I like that the kobo's could save the trees

  3. I had not heard about Kovo before, it sound interesting, is a sustainable and ecological alternative to develop and foster reading.

  4. Very interesting! i didn't know the kobo e-reader! I think this technology is very useful for people who suffer from headaches.

  5. Where can I buy it one? I really want to have it! I love read, but my eyes are always tired. I think kobo e-reader could help me.

  6. It`s amazing, I love read too. You have to recommend me the best books you had read. It`s true in Chile the books are too expensive!

  7. It's great I have a Kindle and I love it, it helps me too much to read in my free time!!

  8. It will be a really good gift to my dad!

  9. So interesting! I've listened about the kobo e-reader but I never thought that it would be so practical and useful!

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. It´s first time when I read about to Kobo e-reader, I found it a curious object and should help many people who love read.

  12. Kobo e-reader looks very useful! I believe that I will buy one when I have money.

  13. I really have no clue that this exist, I thing is great that we can help even the environment while we enjoy read a good book.

  14. I didn't know Kobo e-reader, but it seems that is very important to you.

  15. I think it's great that Kobo e-reader do not tired so much the vision

  16. i did not know about kobo but this sound very interesting

  17. Very good alternative to read! Kobo e-reader is comfortable, sustainable and ecological.

  18. I did not know that this object existed , it would be very useful
