lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

Your Career Choice

Post 2 (week 4)

Hello everyone!
For today's blog post, we're going to answer the following question: 

Why did you choose this career or study programme?

You must write about:

- your dream jobs when you were a child
- other career options that you had at the moment of applying to university
- what made you decide in the end
- your experience at university until now
- the kind of job you would like to have

- Write a minimum of 130 words
 -Don't forget to leave comments on 3 of your classmates' posts and on your teacher's post as well.

As an example, you can read my post here:

Since I was a child, I always wanted to be an artist. I dreamed of being an ice skater and going to the Olympics. I also thought of becoming a film director, but I thought that to produce a film you need too many resources. For some time, I considered becoming a ballet dancer, but I thought I would never want to be on a diet. In the end, I decided to study Visual Arts because I love painting. I also realized I like teaching and wanted to work with children in a school. Therefore, I studied Teaching as well. When I finished my studies, I got a job teaching children English in a school and then, I taught adults in an institute. Today, I have two jobs: I work as an English teacher and continue to develop my painting work. One of my dream jobs is to get a job as a teacher in a country in Africa and in another country in the Middle East, because I would really like to explore those regions and their different cultures.

11 comentarios:

  1. I really like the idea of get a job as a teacher in a country in Africa, I think that is interesting. If one day you would do that please send photos of the place and the people

  2. I loved your story, I would have liked to have as many dreams as your own.

  3. I also wanted to be a ballet dancer!
    I thing is very good and interesting that you can do two jobs, and that you both like it.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. I love your vocation! I want to be a teacher too. I think work in Africa would be an awesome idea. :)

  6. that good dreams hajaja, it would have been great to see you in an ice skater competition.

  7. I liked to dance too!,when I was a child, but when the school got more difficult I have to leave it :(

  8. Really interesting, I want to see your paintings!


  9. Is the idea of ​​being an ice skater still in your mind? Maybe It could be a hobby?

  10. It's a very interesting history! and I hope you're very happy with your choice of life!

  11. I love your dream of teaching in Africa, I really hope that you can do it!
