lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

A Career-Related Website or An Expert in Your Field

Today, we are going to write a blog post and choose only ONE of the following options:

Option 1
Write about a career-related website that you enjoy visiting.

You have to:

- provide the link- describe the website (sections, features,etc)- say how often you visit the site- explain why you like the site.

>Add comments to 3 of your classmates’ blogs + a comment on your teacher's post

>Word Count: 170

Option 2 

Who is a person/expert in your field that you admire?


-Who she/he is. (short biography)

-What she/he has done. (examples of their work)
-Why you like her/him.
-Include his/her image

> About 170 words

>Add comments to 3 of your classmates’ blogs + a comment on your teacher's post.

You can find my post as an example here:

My Favorite Career-Related Website

My favourite website in this moment for all topics related to English teaching is Larry Ferlazzo’s EduBlog.

You can find it here:

I visit this website once in a while and I find it useful to get ideas about ways to motivate students or how to use teaching materials in classes.

This blog is full of teachers’ resources to teach English as a Second Language and for English Language Learners. It includes links to resources like videos and podcasts, and many tips on how to use technology in the classroom. You can spend a long time browsing it because it is a lot of fun to discover what it offers, and it makes me enjoy preparing my classes.

The website’s author, Larry Ferlazzo, is a High School Teacher in California, and he is constantly uploading interesting articles from American newspapers about education and how to improve it. He occasionally posts videos of himself discussing different relevant topics for teachers, such as a video where he talks about how to keep your students motivated in class.

I really admire a person who is passionate about his or her work and wants to share it. It also makes me feel like I am part of a community of English teachers around the world. 

21 comentarios:

  1. I think that the websides are very helpful to look for certified information

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. apparently it's a very good page! the classes are usually interactive and entertaining with the ideas from this page

  4. It seems a very good page! Very useful for classes.

  5. this page is very good,I will use it to practice more my English jajajaja

  6. I would use this page for the tips on how use technology haha

  7. This websites are very useful for the education in english

  8. i think this site has been healpful to you so your classes are even better.

  9. it seems to be a very good website for an English teacher.

  10. This websites is a very good tool for motivate students and facilitate their learning.

  11. I didn't know this page, I thing that it's a good page, I'll use it to practice at home.

  12. very good website, I had been recommended before

  13. I did not this website but it is very useful to learn English and practice it.

  14. I didn't know that website! I believe it is very useful

  15. I didn't know this website, but it looks very useful

  16. My mom also is an English teacher, it would be very useful to her!

  17. It seems to be a useful site for teachers, especially those who seek to motivate their students.

  18. How sweet is the way you concern to motivate students by Larry Ferlazzo´s website.
    thank you!

  19. I didn't know this website, but it seems very useful for teachers :O

  20. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
