lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

A Subject You Enjoyed Studying this Semester

Hi everyone!

Today we are going to write a post about A Subject You've Enjoyed Studying this Semester.

You must say:
What the subject is about
Why you like it or why you're interested in it
What it is useful for

You must write at least 180 words.

This is my sample post:

Western Feminism and the Arab World

A topic that I am really interested in learning more about are the misconceptions of feminists over the views of the lives of women in Eastern and Middle Eastern societies and how we can free ourselves from these prejudices.
Feminism as a movement for women’s rights originated in Europe and, therefore, it has done a great job in defending women’s rights in those parts of the world where white people are dominant. Nonetheless, this kind of feminism does not really address the needs of women coming from other parts of the world, women who are basically not considered white or who do not live under liberal Western values.
Because I volunteer in a solidarity organization for Palestine, and we work on the ground connecting our local social struggles with that of Palestine, I have learned how in our Western society there are many negative preconceptions about women in the Arab world in general. There are many prejudices against Islam, for example, such as the idea that all Muslim women live under brutal male oppression. There is also a very common misconception that being Arab and being Muslim are equivalents, when in reality, not all Arabs are Muslim, and not all Muslims are Arabs.
This is why I have started to read papers and watched speeches from Middle Eastern female scholars, either Muslim or secular, who talk about the lives and struggles of women in this region. The misconceptions that Western feminism have created around the lives of Arab women, and how they somehow feel entitled “to save” Arab women from male oppression are, in my opinion, very dangerous. These ideas of saviourship inevitably cast an image of inherent weakness in these women, as if somehow they could not take care of themselves, but worse of all, the very arrogant idea that we in the West can actually tell them in the East how they are supposed to decide how to live. This sense of entitlement is a form of colonization.
Examples of women working for their rights in Eastern societies are numerous, and I can share with you some names of Palestinian women, because this is the territory I know best. Janna Jihad, Ahed Tamimi, Hanan Ashrawi, Khalida Jarrar, just to name a few. When you have time, you can search them on the internet and learn about their leading roles.

19 comentarios:

  1. The feminist movement is a very important issue today. I would really like to learn more about it.

  2. I wasn't so internalized in this topic, and it's so interesting and very important know the transcendence that have, especially at this time.

  3. It seems very interesting to me the topic, but I don´t know much about it

  4. I think that this topic is very imteresting and curious for us because we can see this kind of protest like feminism in Chile and South america but I haven't think a lot about this protest in the Arab World

  5. The subject sounds very interesting, they should teach more about it because it is first time that I see it.

  6. wow I have learn more about this topic, seems very interesting!!

  7. Very interesting to learn the wrong ideas that we have about the Arab World. I think that these topics should be discussed in the university.

  8. This topic seems interesting, and I think It is very important. Anyway, I don't know to much about this topic.

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. is very interesting the opions of this women in this topic and story of her life

  11. This topic seems really important to me and I am very interested in it, I also think about how difficult it is to be a woman in society and even more, to be a Muslim, african or latin woman

  12. Is very interesanting, I would like to know more about this subject

  13. I think this topic is very important for all women!everywhere in the world!

  14. very interesting the subject, I think that at the present time the feminist movement should have more importance

  15. Very interesting topic, many times the western press infers negatively on our conception of the East.

  16. It's a very interesting topic! And important for all women.

  17. I think this topic is very interesting. I would like studying it!

  18. i think that this movement is very important today and most importantly in middle East
